Thursday, May 16, 2013

Coconut Rose Sugar Scrub

Derek recently had surgery on his ACL and spent a week at home with me.  Needless to say, as you all know how whiney men can be when they are under the weather, I was in for a long week.  He was actually much better than I thought he would be, and after he went back to work he sent me some roses as a thank you <3

After a few days the roses started to wilt and I didn't want to just watch them die so I figured I would try to make a rose scented body scrub out of the petals!  Spring time is the perfect time to maybe give a little extra love to your skin as it is dried out from the winter.  This is a very simple recipe to follow and requires very few ingredients.  You can make one jar for every rose you have; in this case, (my cat ate one of my flowers lol) I have five roses to work with. 

You will need:
Rose petals
Half pint jars with lids
Coconut Oil
Sunflower Oil
Cane Sugar (In it's coarse, natural state)

You can really use any size jar you want, but what I found is that one rose is the perfect amount for a half pint size jar. 

You can also substitute the sunflower oil with almond oil or jojoba oil.  These oils are all wonderful for your skin and will absorb nicely as well and keep you moisturized.  After researching the properties and benefits of each oil, I found that I wanted to use sunflower oil because of its high vitamin E content. "The health benefits of consuming vitamin E, or using it on the skin, have been studied for years and can be beneficial to your body in a variety of ways. This vitamin is crucial in the prevention of damage to sensitive skin cells by ultraviolet light, or UVA, from the sun. Additionally, studies have shown that vitamin E may prevent scarring, smooth the appearance of existing wrinkles and generally improve the appearance and health of your skin."

So here we go!  There are no measurements needed in this spring time scrub; all you need to do is fill each ingredient into 1/3 of the jar. 

Step 1: Start with your coconut oil
Coconut oil is sold by the olive oils at your local grocery store.  It is an oil, but at room temperature has the consistency of butter. 

Step 2: Place rose petals on top of the coconut oil.
By placing the rose petals between the layers of oil it gives the petals room to be absorbed by the oils and create the amazing rose scent.

Step 3: Fill the remaining 3rd of the jar with your cane sugar. Leaving about 1/4" at the top of the jar.

Step 4: Slowly pour sunflower oil on the sugar and let it absorb.
The oil will sit at the top for a few seconds and will absorb down into the sugar.  Pour oil onto the sugar until the sugar no longer looks dry.  This may take up to 3 Tablespoons of oil.

Step 5: Screw lid into place!

You are ready to use the scrub at any time; just be sure when you open it to mix the ingredients together with a spoon.



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